I've been really productive the last few weeks finishing projects that were "on-the-cusp", that needed just a little time to pull the last bits together. This teeny tiny Baby Surprise Jacket and bootees was one of them. This isn't my first BSJ but it is my favorite so far. I think mostly due to it's tiny size (it's made for a newborn). This was knit for a very sweet girl that I work with who is expecting her first son sometime soon. I think making it for such a special person made it that much more special to me and it never felt like a chore working on it. The bootees are the "Roll Top Bootees" from the book "50 Baby Bootees to Knit". They were incredibly easy and a super fast addition to the jacket. While I love the colors of the yarn, which are perfect for fall babies the yarn itself left something to be desired. This is my second time using Panda Cotton and don't get me wrong it's amazingly soft and silky and has a wonderful little stretch to it, it's just so "splitty". You have to be ever diligent that you're not losing bits of the strand of yarn you're working with or you'll end up with random loops here and there. The twist is just so loose and doesn't like to stay twisted, probably because there's absolutely no grip to this yarn. No natural "burs" to keep it together.
Despite being productive all week the weekend has been pretty counterproductive. The munchkin had a stomach bug and I seemed to be feeling some of it yesterday, so most of the day was spent watching many many cooking shows that had slowly been filling up my DVR. So, I guess in a way it was productive, I know have a long list of new things to cook and an even longer grocery list.