I figured I needed to get this posted seeing as Christmas is next week and after that it won't be valid anymore. This was the only thing on my giant list of Christmas crafting for the house that got done. But I'm so thrilled with it, that I'm okay with that fact.
I've been drooling over this wreath by knockknocking (the goddess of yarn wreaths) for quite awhile. I just couldn't scrape up the funds to make it mine so I decided to try my hand at making one. I had most of the supplies and just needed to buy the wreath form and a few extra doo-dads. I only spent about $10.That little green bird makes me terribly happy and I've been looking for an excuse to use those extra large buttons for ages. I adore it in all it's kitschy glory. I'm thinking I may have to redecorate my living room permanently in red and green so that it can stay up all year long. Or maybe, I'll just have to make another one. Darn, I'd have to get the hot glue gun out again.
When you have a chance check out the knockknocking etsy shop. She's makes such beautiful wreaths!