Thursday, April 29, 2010

New Banners and Kid's Clothes Week

In shop news, there are two new banners today. Check 'em out. I'll be listing more in the next few weeks, each with it's own color palette. I can also make custom ones for you based on colors of your choosing! Just send me a message and we'll work on something special just for you! Tomorrow is the last day I'll be listing new things for awhile, so I promise I won't bug you any more with shop talk for a bit. :)

I will however bug you quite a bit in the next few weeks about kid's clothes. The other night I was perusing the Wee Wonderfuls blog and she mentioned making plans for Kid's Clothes Week Challenge. This sounded like just the thing to get me motivated. Weeks ago when I purged and organized my office / studio I sorted all of the fabrics I've bought in the last few years into bins with each of the girls' names on them. I also threw the patterns I had been intending to use in the same bins to keep it all nice and organized. Then I put them back in the closet to be forgotten about. Ha.

So reading about the challenge helped get me motivated about the girls' summer wardrobes once again and I dug the bins back out. I purchased a few new patterns and I've been bookmarking kid clothes tutorials like a mad woman. I'm more than a little excited to use up all this beautiful fabric and save money by not having to buy oodles of new summer clothes. The challenge doesn't officially start until the second week of May but since I have two girls to sew for I thought I would get started next week. I'll focus on one girls wardrobe a week and see what happens. I hope to sneak a little sewing for myself in somewhere too but I won't get too far ahead of myself. I thought I would do some mini pattern reviews too as I go along and I'll try to share some links to some really great free tutorials I've found. This is going to be fun!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More Shop Talk

I've just listed this new quilt in the shop. They're something I've been wanting to make for such a long time and I think the perfect thing to have for sale at some of the Farmer's Markets I'm doing this summer. I've got a few more in the works that I'll hopefully be able to list in the next week or two. I can't tell you how much I enjoy making them. It's quite a lot like painting with fabric. I love choosing the colors and arranging them with no particular pattern in mind. They turn out each so unique because I don't use a pattern. They just organically come into being as I sew and piece them together. To make them even more special I've been screen printing cotton blocks with some little illustrations that are then incorporated into the quilt. I've struggled with the price a lot. I want them to be worth my time but at the same want them to be affordable. After all, I want them to be adopted and loved. That's what they're for. We'll see how it goes...

Also, if you haven't had the chance check out the new prints, bibs and toys that I added to the shop earlier in the week. There will be a few more things tomorrow and Friday as well to round out this massive update.

I'll be back later today or tomorrow to talk kid's clothes!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Shop Talk

I had originally planned on having one big, huge shop update today but I'm now going to space it out throughout the week, for a few reasons. One, these April showers are not making picture taking easy and two, there's just so much new stuff, to try to get it all listed in a day is just nuts. So, I'll be listing something new everyday. Today there's two new screen prints and some new dolls and dogs. The photo is another tiny peek at something that will be making its way into the shop this week. I hope you'll stop by for a visit!

Oh and hop over to my shop on PapernStitch for a special treat!