Friday, February 26, 2010

Finding Balance

Last night I sat down to start a mate for my "Sock a month" project and realized to my utter dismay that I've lost my beloved sock recipe! You see I took a sock knitting class about four years ago this summer at Loopy Yarns in Chicago and during that class was given THE BEST recipe ever for knitting socks. It listed formulas for every weight of yarn you could imagine and was my go-to every time I knit a pair of plain socks. It was seriously dogeared and stained and falling apart and now it's gone. I get a little choked up every time I think about it. While I was frantically searching for it I did find a number of other things I thought I had lost, my old iPod for one (seriously) and much to my chagrin yet another pair of unfinished socks. However in this case I can kind of see why I didn't finish them. This was definitely a case of the yarn in the skein being much, much prettier than the knitted fabric. Still, they shouldn't go unfinished because at least they can keep my toes warm inside my boots. Problem is, I no longer have my pattern to finished them *sniff, sniff*. So I would greatly appreciate being pointed in the direction of a great basic sock pattern. And this sad little single sock would really appreciate having a mate.

All of this though brought to my attention the sheer number of incomplete projects I've got laying around. As a very lovely lady said to me earlier in the week, It's a blessing and a curse to love to do so many different things. I'm starting to realize that certain things are suffering because of my inability to stay focused on one or even two hobbies or projects. Sigh. What to do? Do any of you have this problem? How do you focus your creativity, or organize your projects so things don't get forgotten? Do I have to sacrifice something or several things to really move forward? I'll be contemplating these questions this weekend as I continue to search for my sock pattern.

On a positive note, the sun is out and I'm determined to be productive this weekend. Thank you so much to those who've stopped by and left wonderfully kind notes. You truly add something special to my day!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Love for Yarn...

My love for yarn runneth deep. It also threatens to overrun my house. This new poster is my ode to yarn and I hope it puts a smile on your face!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Inspired Mondays

In an effort to make Mondays not so dreadful I've decided to start sharing some of the amazing artwork that inspires me. Today I'm inspired by the lovely Lizzy Stewart and her shop "About Today". Her work is so achingly beautiful it takes my breath away. I love the detail and the tiny spots of color. As soon as this money diet is through I'll be picking up a few of her pieces for myself. I hope you'll hop over to her shop and get inspired too!