I placed my first order with Spoonflower last night! I'm so excited about this print and can't wait to see the final product. (Wow, can you tell I've been diggin black and yellow lately?) I've got so many ideas and things I want to try if this turns out well. I've been dreaming of custom fabric for the longest time but just haven't had the resources (or the space) to do any screenprinting on a larger scale. This really has opened up a ton of doors for me and many others I'm sure. I'll keep you updated on my fabrics' progress and of course post pictures when it arrives.
There are good crafting days and there are bad crafting days. Today was one of the later. I was on vacation from my day job to get some things done around the house and have some much needed alone time. The Pika Package deadline is rapidly approaching and today was also to be for getting my submission ready to go. I knew I was in for it when my only Riso pen broke this morning and it was just all downhill from there. Granted I did get a few things accomplished, just not what I had hoped. However, there is a new digital print ready to go into the shop! This was one of the disasters today that turned out alright. It was a horrible Gocco experience that I turned into a great digital one. In fact, I love that it turned out this way, I'm thrilled with this print! This is a limited edition run of ten. A few will be heading to Pikaland and a few will go into the shop. Enjoy!