It seems that all of my projects right now are at the "almost done" stage. I seem to get to this point and stall. Working full time from home with two young kids on summer break is nothing short of crazy. But I've finally settled into this hectic summer schedule and I'm ok with not getting as much done as I'm used to.
I bought this adorable crewel kit from this seller months ago and I'm just now working on them. This was my first experience with crewel work and I LOVE it! It's just like regular embroidery but you get to use yarn (yum) and it goes so fast (yes!). This is the result of such a few naptimes. Embroidering something like this with floss would take me months! It's refreshing sometimes to have a quick, instant gratification project to lift your mood. I'm hoping to finish this little guy this weekend and move on to those beautiful flowers.
I'm also hoping to catch up on sewing and restock the shop. Not to mention trying to tackle the pile of mending that's up to my eyeballs and finish seaming a baby sweater I finished knitting. In June I managed to sew almost an entire summer wardrobe for the oldest girl and also managed to not take any photos of anything I made, haha! I did say it's been hectic, right?