It's really hard to put into words how awesome last weekend was. It was a magical weekend. Yes, it was exhausting and so much work but in the end it was a blast! The weather (after a little rain Saturday morning) was absolutely beautiful and the people came out to the fair in droves. I mean, it was PACKED the entire weekend. And to top it all off I got to spend the entire weekend with my two bestest Chicago buds. They were amazing and took care of me with coolers packed full of goodies, put knitting into my nervous hands, bought me sangria and made me laugh all weekend. I really don't know what I would have done without them. I couldn't ask for better friends or better booth helpers. It was like we were on a camping trip all weekend! And all the awesome customers I got to meet, everyone was so super nice. I really wish I had gotten more pictures of the entire fair and some of the really incredible booths. It was so busy though I just didn't have time. All-in-all though it was worth every minute and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
I've spent this week re-cooperating and catching up on full-time job work. I had planned on getting the Etsy shop updated with new prints but not sure that's going to happen. Maybe tomorrow, or maybe next week early. I promise it'll happen soon though!