Things are a bit slow here this week. The big girl is home sick with a stomach bug, the snow is coming down and I still haven't showered today. My "real" work... the work I get paid to do by my full-time employer is going very slowly as well. I can't seem to concentrate on any one thing, my mind is bouncing around and I just want to sit and stare and the squirrels. I feel very motivated one moment and then utterly down-trodden the next. I've been scouring blogs and shuffling through flickr photos for inspiration and I feel that it's almost there, like a word on the tip of your tongue. My goal for this month is to re-open my Etsy shop and right now I'm not sure that's going to happen. I've been working on coming up with new products using my vintage fabric collection. I have some new products that I'm happy with but I also have lots of ideas that need to be worked into sellable products. The problem is, that this is not a new idea. There are a lot of very successful Etsy shops that do pretty much the same thing, so trying to come up with things that are original is frustrating. I know I'm too hard on myself and much too picky. This is why most of my ideas end up stuffed in the back of the closet never to see the light of day. I need to find the courage to just get the stuff out there and if I fail, well, I fail. That's the worst that could happen... And the best? Someone could be really happy with something I've made.