I love making lists but I love crossing things off my lists even more! I conquered #19 on my list. I blazed through all four fabulous seasons on Netflix in no time flat. I watch a lot of Netflix while I work, (It keeps me company since I'm the only one in my office) and I've been working A LOT. It was just as wonderful as I'd heard and working for an ad agency made watching it even more fun. While the office shenanigans aren't quite the same there still are some vestiges left of those agency heydays. I can't wait for season five!
More things here to be crossed off soon!
1. Get more tattoos
2. Grow my hair
3. Learn to spin yarn
4. Overcome my fear of flying (I'm TERRIFIED of flying)
5. Print the millions of photos on the computer and make my kids photo books
6. Design a line of fabric
7. Finish sewing something for ME
8. Eat better (Less Processed)
9. Talk a walk at least twice a week
10. Design a sewing pattern
11. Refurbish the bathroom
12. Knit a sweater for myself
13. Pay off our two credits cards
14. Bake a pie from entirely from scratch
15. Have a date night with my husband (more than once would be great)
16. Have a family portrait taken
17. Finish decorating the master bedroom
18. Finish reading the Harry Potter series ( I have this thing about not wanting things to end...)
19. Watch Man Men (people keep telling me I'll love it)
20. Take better care of my skin (actually buy some good products)
21. Redesign blog
22. Knit one pair of socks each month for the next year
23. Print and frame my wedding pictures (I got married 9 years ago, seriously, it's about time)
24. Pay my library fines and use the library
25. Write more thank you notes
26. Ride a roller coaster (I'm TERRIFIED of roller coasters)
27. Go on a vacation
28. Learn to make a martini
29. Make pasta from scratch
30. Read at least one book a month