(Don't look too close or you'll see the dog hair on the bottom of my feet, eeep. Time to sweep!)
The August socks are finally done! (Shhhh, don't tell them it's September) Truth be told, I finished them over the weekend but have been dragging on taking their picture. Speaking of pictures... I've been really irritated with my camera lately. It used to take such nice, crisp photos and lately they're all coming out grainy, even in the best of lighting conditions. I even tried restoring it to factory settings thinking maybe one of the kids played with the settings but no luck. It's still taking crap photos. Why is that!? Is it possible for a camera to just get old and take junky photos?
Back on the subject of socks... These are the Monkey sock pattern by Cookie A. I've made these a few times before and they're fast. I knew I needed something fast if I was going to finish the August socks before the end of September, haha! Since I didn't even start them until the last two weeks of August I feel pretty good about getting them done. The yarn is Tosh Sock by Madeline Tosh and it's delectably squishy. I really, really loved the color in the skein but knitted up, not so much. I'm not too keen on how they pooled and striped but they're comfy and will keep my feet warm.
My goal is to knit a pair of socks a month, part of my 30 Before Thirty list. Now, I just have to get cracking on my September socks. I haven't even picked a pattern yet, yikes! Thankfully I'll have lost of knitting time this weekend!
This is quite possibly the best thing I've ever made. No joke, I LOVE this bag. It's the Amy Butler Weekender Travel Bag pattern. I made it using a vintage tablecloth and a velvet upholstery remnant I found at Joanne's. I could see how this bag could get super expensive to make if using new designer upholstery fabric. I spent at least $35 in materials alone even using really inexpensive fabrics. Most of that cost was in the various interfacings. It's completely deceiving when you open up the pattern and there are only 3 pattern pieces because cutting the pieces out is probably what took the longest. The construction itself isn't difficult just tedious at times. They aren't kidding when they say "Just go slow and be patient"! At times you're sewing through 6+ layers of heavy fabric and that's tricky. That being said it was completely worth every poked finger, all the arm aches and the swearing. I LOVE this bag. Have I mentioned that? It's huge and absolutely my dream bag. And I finished it just in time to take it on a little "weekender" of my own.
My wonderful husband is letting me leave him with the kids while I spend a long weekend with my mom, two aunts and brother's girlfriend in Siesta Key, Florida. There will be lots of fruity drinks with umbrellas, sitting on the beach knitting and general laziness. I'm trying not to feel guilty about leaving the kids and hubby but I'm really, really excited about having a few days to myself to relax. I've realized that being a mom you can't be "on" all of the time. It's necessary to take some time for yourself or you'll be no use to anyone. So, I'm thinking that this little time out will rejuvinate me for quite awhile! (Although I'm completely terrified about the flight. Trying not to think about it but still terrified.)
And with this bag I can cross of #7 on my 30 Before Thirty list! "Finish sewing something for ME". DONE! I'm seriously tempted to buy Amy's new book after making this bag. I'm always needed various bags for the kids and for shopping and knitting, etc. It looks like there's some really cute patterns in there!