I've been reworking a lot of old patterns in new color palettes and thought this one would make the perfect Spring desktop background. I've been really drawn to super saturated, eye-popping colors lately. Like, need your sunglasses to view, colors. A few months ago I was pretty sure that I would just walk away from my previous style and old work but going through old files I've realized that would be like walking away from your family or a relationship that you've spent years and years cultivating. There's lots of life left in my old work, lots of work that I never did anything with. I know I seem so indecisive these days but I know lots of creative people are like that. It's easy to get bored or feel like you just want to be somebody different. I'm at this super weird crossroads and I'm not sure what path to take, or what I really want to do with myself. But rather than waiting around for the epiphany, I'll just keep on keeping on and see where it takes me.
I hope everyone is well and is enjoying the blooms of Spring and that you enjoy this background!