I've been working on some felt foods for Brodi's upcoming birthday and I had a brain burst whilst sewing some slices of bread. What about combining quilting and fabric food? Hence, these patchwork strawberries. I started with some random bits of coordinating fabrics (some vintage some new) and just started sewing them together. When I had them all sewn together I cute the whole piece into strips and re-sewed them back together, mixing up the orientation, then I repeated that process a few times to get a patchwork square. I then cut a circle from the square and cut the circle in half. Then, sewing the two flat sides of the semi-circle together formed a cone. A little stuffing and then some gathering created the strawberry shape. A little felt cap and a string stem topped them off. I think these would be super cute on a gift, tree decorations or even just lying about on a shelf. I'm now eyeing my yellow fabrics and thinking some summery lemons would be nice...