Thank you June for the sunshine, the warm breezes, the lovely flowers and the even lovelier birthdays. It was an incredible month and always my favorite. Until next time, Adieu.
Also, thanks so much for the great comments and suggestions on organizing my creative mess. I think the general consensus is that being a creative person it's kind of a futile effort to "organize" in the traditional sense. I think embracing our inner "magpie" as Meridian Ariel so fittingly termed it is a good thing. It does make it a lot more fun later to sort through all the past ideas, like little bits of treasure. There were some very good thoughts however on making those ideas easier to find. A few of my favorites were:
• Using a blackboard above your work area to make lists, or jot down important ideas
• Using photobooks (the sticky kind) to corral loose bits of paper. This is such a great idea, because you can move things around as you please and toss out dud or used ideas at will.
• Keeping a small notebook in lots of different places so you always have somewhere to jot down ideas.
(ie: beside the bed, in the car, in your purse, on your desk, etc.)
As for the print giveaway, I'll be announcing the random winner tomorrow evening. See you all then!