My sincerest, heartfelt apologies for my neglecting of this poor blog for so long. I can finally announce that we're expecting our 2nd child in August and thus the reason for my absence. The nausea and sheer exhaustion were enough to put me in serious hibernation for such a long time. It's slowly, slowly getting better and I'm starting to feel a bit like myself again.
I've been promising this giveaway for such a long time and I'm finally getting around to posting about it. I've had a very limited edition series of prints and original drawings available
here at the Shiny Squirrel since December. To celebrate (a bit late) I'll be giving away a set of the "girls" shown above. To enter just leave a comment and I'll pick someone at random to receive the prints. (Worth $60!) Deadline is next Thurs. the 5th of February. (OMG, I can't believe next week is February already, somebody slow this ride down!)