I may have mentioned awhile ago that I finally broke down and purchased a much coveted walking foot for my Bernina. It was one of those things that I felt so guilty about buying because they're frankly EXPENSIVE and only useful for one specific function. Anyway, I bought one and last weekend got it out of the box for the first time. We went for a little walk together and well, did not get along at all. Our strides didn't match and holding hands was really out of the question. So, with a sigh, I respectfully put the foot back in the box and promptly listed it for sale on Ebay. It was just too much work to learn something new and quite honestly the one row of quilting that I did that didn't look completely whack I didn't really like. It was too perfect. There's just something about hand-quilting that makes me giddy. It's got so much soul. And with the passing of my grandmother it's one more thing that makes me feel connected to her. She was never without a quilt in the hoop. I myself have three that she made us and love running my hands over all those little stitches knowing that she touched every single one. It's like being wrapped up in love, it makes me miss her but thankful I still have that reminder. Hand quilting is slow but I think it will be worth every minute. Every night we sit down as a family and watch an hour of TV before the kids go to bed. So, every night I've had this on my lap quilting away. It'll take time but it's time well spent and hopefully someday my grandchildren will be running their little fingers over my stitches.
This week I'm super inspired by Dan Bob Thompson. He's an illustrator that used to work for Disney and I'm loving the bright colors, textures and retro sensibility. Check out his shop here.
I'll be back later today or tomorrow with a peek at my in-progress color wheel quilt... It's looking GOOD.