So, this is a big one for me. I don't post pictures of myself on the internet much, or really at all. I tend to hate pretty much all pictures of myself. You see, I have really horrible self esteem when it comes to my body. I've been on the heavier / curvier side almost my whole life and I've always hated it. Kid's on the bus tormented me in junior high and there were so many tears then and in high school and even sometimes now because I wish I looked different. I find that I'm constantly comparing myself to other, thinner, taller women and making myself miserable. I think I feel ten times bigger than I actually am. But, the older I get the more and more I'm realizing that life is just too damned short to be constantly wishing you were someone that you're not and unhappy with the way you look. I LOVE clothes and retro, vintage fashion but I'm horrible at dressing myself because it's hard to find vintage things that fit the way they should. I tend to just give up and resort back to my comfy pj's, looking frumpy and honestly that just makes me grumpy. I'm learning to embrace my faults and move on. I've got cellulite (oh, oodles of it) a flabby tummy from my beautiful babes, stretch marks galore and more curves than the law allows. There's nothing better than feeling good about yourself and I've decided that I need to devote more time to helping the inner me feel good about the outer me.
This adorable little shirt I scored at the Salvation Army for $1.50 is a really great step in the right direction. Seriously, isn't it so cute!? I feel so "kicky" today. I love the aqua gingham so much, it's perfect for spring and it fits me perfectly. All of the sewing for my girls this week has me so excited to sew some things for myself that actually fit. I've got so much confidence now in my sewing skills. I've taken the time to do some really honest measuring and analyzing of my body to figure out why I've failed in the past and how to adjust patterns to fit my shape moving forward. I've made a commitment to only buying used or handmade clothes or making them myself. I've spent way too much money in the past on cheap, cheaply made clothes that fall apart after two washes. Enough I say. Just writing this has made me feel a gazillion times better, sharing my faults and insecurities makes them seem less important in the grand scheme of life and I think that's just what I need.