Monday, July 26, 2010

Vintage Patterns

I was always scared of sewing from vintage patterns. I think I had this perception that they would be like vintage knitting patterns and be completely impossible to understand and execute. Many modern patterns (like the great Oliver + S ones) share tips and tricks allowing you to learn along the way. This isn't the case with vintage patterns. So, it really helps to have some sewing knowledge before heading into a vintage pattern project because back then most women did know how to sew and there are a lot of assumptions made. That's really the only tricky part. Make sure to read through all the directions before starting so you can look up any techniques that aren't familiar. I've had a few successes lately with some vintage patterns so I've been snatching them up left and right to add to my collection. Here's a few that I've recently gotten my paws on. I'm so excited to sew some of these up! (There's even one for my rockabilly mister!)


  1. oooh, I love them all! You'll have to post pictures of the finished products!

  2. I love the necklines on these dresses! Great finds K!

  3. Ooh! That first one! Even just as a top it would be great.

  4. I use oll dress patterns for packaging but they are of the ugly and heavily damaged sort nothing as cute as these. a few moths back there were two boxes full in one of the charity shops and somone scooped them up before I had a chance to return for them.

  5. i am obsessed with vintage patterns...i have over 75 just of children's

  6. I love vintage patterns. But they do freak me out. I also get scared by the sizing! I don't understand it.


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