Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Thrift Score

I was lucky enough to have a few hours all to myself this past weekend to run some errands and I was able to sneak in a visit to one of my most favorite thrift stores. It's a mecca for all things kitschy, old and weird. I love digging through the mess and it's so fun even if I don't take anything home. Lucky for me on this occasion I did get to take some two of these gorgeous lamps! They're in perfect working condition and look amazing on the dresser in our bedroom. Even more thankfully I have a very understanding husband when in comes to thrifting and me bringing home what most husbands would consider "junk". I'm no so sure about the shades I've put on them though, I'm kind of thinking a small barrel shade might look better. Regardless they're the perfect addition to the bedroom and I've been delightfully reading by the light of them every evening.

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Your thoughts are always, always welcome. Just know that I appreciate each and every one of you even if I don't always have the chance to respond.