Monday, June 14, 2010

DIY Necktie Card

I don't know about you but Father's Day completely snuck up on me. I had a moment of panic when I realized that its this weekend already! So I hastily came up with this lightening fast card using things I had around my office. It's a great way to use bits of scrap fabric. So, if you still need a card for a special dad I hope you'll enjoy making this one! (P.S. Sorry about the dark photos - it's been so dark and rainy here the last week)

Card template - free download here
Card stock
Exacto knife
Cuting matt
Glue stick
Piece of fabric cut to 5 inches x 3.5 inches

1. Download the card template and print out onto your card stock. Play with different colors of card stock if you'd like to contrast with your fabric. Cut out the card following the cutting lines or simple print out onto a 5x7 piece of card stock.

2. Using the Exacto knife cut out the window following the dotted line. Cut slightly on the outside of the line so that you won't see any of the line after you've finished.

3. Fold the card in half, then open it up and apply glue to the inside front.

4. Place your fabric face down onto the inside front and smooth with your hands. If necessary trim any fabric that's visible from the front. Let dry and you're done!


  1. love it! would totally be making this if i hadn't already ordered a father's day card from rifle paper co.

  2. This is an awesome and inexpensive idea that could easily be personalized! Thanks for sharing! -Michelle

  3. ah so cute!! that fabric is aaawesome too :D

  4. What a sweet idea! Thanks for sharing. :) Deb.

  5. awesome! i'll be making 3 tonight : )
    merci beaucoup x

  6. Thank you, thank you! You are exactly right about the day just sneaking up - between birthdays and graduations and end of school.
    So cute.

  7. Fun! Making this right now! Thanks for sharing! :)

  8. Hello from Russia!
    Thanks for idea! It is good present for my husband

  9. Such sweet. Gonna teach my son to make one for his dad. Thanks for sharinf this gift card making tutorial.


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