Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Prints

Hi all! Hope everyone is having a great week so far. I can't believe it's Wednesday already. I've been sick with a summer cold so the last few days are a blur of tissues and cold medicine. Today is much better and I'm hoping to be able to catch up and be productive the last part of the week. I did manage to get some new prints listed in the shop yesterday though! I'm using a new kind of archival art paper for the prints and oh my, is it lovely. The colors just jump out at you and the weight is just beautiful. There are two new prints in two different colors each. Many of you will recognize that cheeky little bird from one of my free desktop background. Hope you enjoy them! In the Shop here. Also, don't forget there's still free shipping on every purchase until the end of June!


  1. oooh I love the doggie in the car ones !!! so cute & retro !
    sorry you've been sick, hubby & big boy just left for the doctor's, P's been coughing for way too long.
    take care xoxoxo hugs

  2. darling prints kayanna!! i really like the green & pink birdie print :)

  3. vroom vroom, woof woof!
    i like it! feel better soon xx

  4. hope you feel better soon - i adore the new prints!


Your thoughts are always, always welcome. Just know that I appreciate each and every one of you even if I don't always have the chance to respond.