This week I'm inspired by my wonderful family. We had a super fun day yesterday and it was just the thing I needed to feel refreshed and ready to tackle another week. My amazing mother had a whole egg dying station set up when we arrived complete with stickers and letters and the Martha Stewart Easter magazine open for inspiration. There were some incredible ideas in there and we tried many of them. These were by far the coolest eggs we've ever done and were so much more fun than the kits that you buy. This will definitely become a tradition.
I sat and finished the binding on my circle quilt (yay!) while the boys watched golf. My parents bickered minimally, my brother moaned about his hangover all day, my big girl hunted for jelly bean filled Easter eggs, I gain 3 lbs (ack!) from all of the wonderful food my mother cooked and my baby girl ate her first short bread cookie. We watched Funniest Videos and laughed together while eating home made coconut cake.
My family isn't perfect, we've had our share of drama and we may not alway understand each other. But oh, there is so much love and support. And the history we have is priceless. I wouldn't trade those crazy people for the world.
I sometimes wonder if the word "family" is derived from the latin word for "crazy people". But I agree, families are priceless and definitely worth keeping.